A Case Study on Morphological Variations in Gall Bladders of Cadavers


Gall bladder is a pear-shaped pouch located in right hypochondrium, in a shallow fossa on the quadrate lobe of the liver. There are very common variations associated with gall bladder and it is surgeon’s duty to be familiar with them so as to avoid surgical errors.

Aim: To describe external morphology, incidence of different shapes of gall bladder and to study variations in gross appearance of gall bladder

Material and method: A total number of 50 cadavers were dissected, analyzed using SPSS and tested at 5% level of significance.

Results: Out of 50 specimens studied, 92% gall bladders were found to be pear shape, 4% cylindrical, 2% flask shape and 2% irregular.

Conclusion: The knowledge of different shapes, variations and anomalies of gall bladder could be useful for radiologists and surgeons to prevent intraoperative hazards.