Animal Toxins

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Biodiversity provides a huge source of new chemical entities that could be useful for the development of new therapies. An example is venomous animals, which produce venoms that share common features, such as compositions characterized by a complex combination of bioactive proteins and peptides with wide structural diversity. The biological activities of these compounds are selective and specific and are currently dependent on the synergic action of several components. Thus, animal venoms are important tools for carrying out biochemical, physiological, and pathological studies, as well as for the development of new biotechnological and pharmaceutical products.
Venomous animals on the earth have been found to be valuable resources for the development of therapeutics. Enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins and peptides are the major components of animal venoms, many of which can target various ion channels, receptors, and membrane transporters. Compared to traditional small molecule drugs, natural proteins and peptides exhibit higher specificity and potency to their targets.
Zootoxins can be divided into several categories: oral poisons—those that are poisonous when eaten, parenteral poisons, or venoms—those that are produced by a specialized poison gland and administered by means of a venom apparatus and crinotoxins—those that are produced by a specialized poison gland but are merely released into the environment, usually by means of a pore.
Oral zootoxins are generally thought to be small molecules; most venom are believed to be large molecules, usually a protein or a substance in close association with one. Venoms, which are produced by specialized poison glands, are injected by means of a mechanical device that is able to penetrate the flesh of the victim.
Although protein toxins show multiple advantages compared to small molecule drugs for therapeutic applications, such as higher potency and selectivity, they still face many challenges, such as the short circulating half-life, the lack of membrane permeability, and poor oral bioavailability as well.
Snake-venom-derived toxins have been widely investigated for potential therapeutic applications in AD and other pathologies. These venoms are mainly divided in two groups: neurotoxins and dendrotoxins. The dendrotoxins are isolated from the African mambas (Dendroaspis genus), some of which are best known to act as potassium channels blockers. Displaying much lower toxicity than the other components of Dendroaspis angusticeps (green mamba) venom, the fasciculins are known to inhibit AChE activity through binding to a peripheral site of this enzyme, potentiating acetylcholine action and producing generalized muscle fasciculation.
These toxins could be useful to relief acetylcholine deficits in disorders such as AD. Some efforts have been made in order to determine fasciculin-AChE complex structure and help the design of novel molecules with AChE inhibitory activity. Scorpion toxins are another group of animal toxins with potential therapeutic applications. The Buthus martensii karsch (Bmk) scorpion venom has been used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of nervous system disorders for 1000s of years. Increased neurogenesis, neuron maturation and expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are reported after treating cultures of neural stem cells with the SVHRP. Moreover, anti-inflammatory effects of Bmk extracts have also been reported when tested in human chondrocyte and macrophage cultures.
Mary Wilson
Editorial office
Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology