Bipolar disorder: A manic depression


Bipolar disorder is one kind of psychological disorder where mood swings ranging from low depressive moods to high manic moods. Bipolar disorder can make serious disturbance an individual's life, however the effect shifts between people. With fitting treatment and backing, numerous individuals with this condition carry on with a full and useful life. Bipolar confusion influences more than 10 million individuals of the population. A person can be diagnosed at early adulthood, but symptoms can appear during the teenage years or later in life. It affects males and females equally.

People suffering from bipolar disorder frequently may have other mental disorders too like anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, panic disorder, stress disorder etc. But the risk of attempting suicide is mostly high among the people who are suffering from bipolar disorder rather than the other people’s suffering from other disorders.

Bipolar disorder can be classified into types: Bipolar I, Bipolar II

When a person experiences a manic episode it is diagnosed as Bipolar I disorder. People who are suffering from bipolar I disorder they may experience an extreme increase in energy or sometimes they may feel irritable, uncomfortable mood. Bipolar disorder people's can also feel such feelings like manic episodes, hypo manic episodes, major depressive episodes and periods of neutral mood.

People suffering from bipolar disorder II May experience major depressive episode which can last minimum two weeks, they are also suffering from hypo manic episodes.

There are several treatments available by which bipolar disorder can be managed. Treatment like change in lifestyle, medication can be use to treat bipolar disorder.

Psychotherapy is one of the treatments which can be recommended.

In psychotherapy cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of speech therapy. Here one May discuss with a therapist about all the possible ways to treat bipolar disorder.

Psycho education is one kind of counseling which is also very helpful to treat this disorder.

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