Lymph node stromal cell

Lymph node stromal cells are essential to the structure and function of the lymph node whose functions include: creating an internal tissue scaffold for the support of hematopoietic cells; the release of small molecule chemical messengers that facilitate interactions between hematopoietic cells; the facilitation of the migration of hematopoietic cells; the presentation of antigens to immune cells at the initiation of the adaptive immune system; and the homeostasis of lymphocyte numbers. Stromal cells originate from multipotent mesenchymal stem cells.
Lymph nodes are enclosed in an external fibrous capsule and from this capsule, thin walls of sinew called trabeculae, penetrate into the lymph node, partially dividing it. Beneath the external capsule and along the courses of the trabeculae, are peritrabecular and subcapsular sinuses. These sinuses are cavities containing macrophages (specialised cells which help to keep the extracellular matrix in order).
The interior of the lymph node has two regions: the cortex and the medulla. In the cortex, lymphoid tissue is organized into nodules. In the nodules, T lymphocytes are located in the T cell zone. B lymphocytes are located in the B cell follicle. The primary B cell follicle matures in germinal centers. In the medulla are hematopoietic cells (which contribute to the formation of the blood) and stromal cells.
Near the medulla is the hilum of lymph node. This is the place where blood vessels enter and leave the lymph node and lymphatic vessels leave the lymph node. Lymph vessels entering the node do so along the perimeter (outer surface).
The lymph nodes, the spleen and Peyer's patches, are known as secondary lymphoid organs. Lymph nodes are found between lymphatic ducts and blood vessels. Afferent lymphatic vessels bring lymph fluid from the peripheral tissues to the lymph nodes. The lymph tissue in the lymph nodes consists of immune cells (95%), for example lymphocytes, and stromal cells (1% to 5%)[5] The genesis of lymph nodes begins within the blood and the lymphatic system. Interactions between stromal and hematopoietic cells are important for the development of lymph nodes. Crosstalk LEC, lymphoid tissue inducer cells and mesenchymal stromal organizer cells initiate the formation of lymph nodes.
Naive lymphocytes (those with no history of contact with antigens) travel from the bone marrow or high endothelial venules of the thymus where they develop as lymphoblasts, to lymph nodes, where they mature.
Media Contact
John Mathews
Journal Manager
Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology