Note on sustainable Avenue of Desertization Renovation and Silicate Industry: Removing Desert Sand to Manufacture Inorganic Materials


Deserts exert a great influence on human activities and global environment trend. On the other hand, the sharp conflict between the increasing use of inorganic products and the decrease in mineral resources will deepen in the coming decades due to advancements in human activities. This obliges us to seek alternative raw materials for sustainable development. This paper proposes an excellent practical framework of using idle desert sand as a raw-material resource to manufacture engineering materials such as paving materials, concretes, cement clinkers, glasses, ceramics, bulk materials, and high-purity (hydr-)oxide powders. This framework well connects the low-cost manufacturing, curing desertization, saving mineral and earth resources, and social and economic developments. Therefore, the present study elaborated the necessity, possibility, and significance of the project in terms of desertization curing, raw-material and earth resources, characters of desert sand, available products, and the social and economic efficiency. In addition, the progress in research and application of desert sand for engineering materials are summarized. Finally, issues and prospect facing the desert-sand-based materials, product execution, and industrial applications are pointed out. It is expected that this information would help in the research, development, and production of new inorganic materials as well as in desert-environment curing and the sustainable management of mineral and earth resources.