Targeting Mesenchymal Stem Cells Within Breast Cancer Tumour Microenvironment May Encourage Possible Therapeutic Intervention for Breast Cancer Therapy.



Introduction: Globally, Breast cancer is the second leading cause of deaths in women. Epidemiological study suggests that there are one million cases of breast cancer diagnosed annually worldwide in which approximately 170,000 (12%-20%) are of the triple-negative breast cancer. So breast cancer is a complex disease, with multiple genetic and environmental factors involved in its aetiology.

Purpose: The author of this study proposes, to demonstrate that patients with symptoms of Breast cancer and mechanism of breast cancer development and the type of cells involved in developing drug resistant to its targeted therapy

Methods : Mesenchymal characteristics of these cells are confirmed by examination of CD105, CD13 and CD73 markers, which are putative markers for Mesenchymal Stem Cells. These MSCs also expressed Oct4, Nanog, SOX2 and LIF genes indicating MSCs pluripotency nature.

Result: In this presentation, we will be addressing our own laboratory data suggesting MSCs are responsible for promotion, progression and invasion of breast cancer tumour. We have isolated and grown MSCs from nonmetastasis breast cancer tumours and characterized them by using cellular and molecular markers